About the Permanent Longing
for elsewhere
A documentary film by Daniela Swarowsky and Samuli Schielke
In a village in Egypt, young men dream of migrating to Europe
where they hope to realise all the good things they lack at home:
money, freedom, new horizons. In Vienna, Egyptian migrants long
back home. Their tales of migration reveal that the realities of
living in Europe are more complex and nuanced than they themselves
might have dreamt of. Paradise, both sides of this fictional
dialogue tell, is always elsewhere. And perhaps happiness lies
not in making old dreams come true, but in finding new ones.
Language spoken in film: Arabic, German
Language of subtitles: English, Arabic
Year of production: 2009
Country of Production: Netherlands, Austria
Running time: 44 minutes
Contact: daswa@xs4all.nl
Press kit (pdf file)
Home page of the Messages from Paradise trilogy