Press and feedback
Press kit (pdf file)
"Once upon a time, a Syrian nightingale named Asmahan sang to us of “Leyali Elons fi Vienna”
— the nights of companionship in Vienna. Today the idealized West has even more appeal for
a generation of frustrated young Egyptians who, unlike their grandfathers, face considerable
barriers to emigration. As emigration becomes more difficult, the dreams of wealth, success
and a life marked by respect and freedom become stronger and grander. Those who make it
across the borders, however, may find that their dreams are only fantasies..."
Read More.
Sherif Awad in
Egypt Today, October 2009.
"...My sister was particularly moved by the documentary. I think she felt
a great sense of relief in seeing stories so similar to my fathers.
Regardless of the pro's and con's, I think there is usually a large amount
of stress involved in immigration. And I think it is easy for them to keep
the stress to themselves by not communicating with others. An interesting
point that was brought up in the Q & A, with regards to the reason why
some of the participants wanted to take part, was that they wanted to tell
the people in Egypt what life was actually like. You explained that
because of high expectations back home of what they should be, they often
found it hard to get the truth off their chest.
The dialogue that you created I'm sure would contribute to giving other
immigrants a sense of 'getting the truth off their chest' and finally
communicating. Also there is the element that they (the immigrants
watching the film) are not experiencing it alone.
I also would like to add what my family said about the documentary.
Basically they related, perhaps more so then I thought they would have,
to nearly all of the stories in different ways. They shared the sense of
nostalgia that most of the people had but they also sympathised with the
man in Vienna who said that he would like to continue to live there and
also be buried there for the reasons he mentioned (like investing in a
life in Europe etc).
We all felt for the young people who were doing menial jobs despite
probably having much more to offer to the world, and my uncle agreed
that he thinks in most cases the people who stayed behind were better off in the long run.
In short, they agreed with and maybe felt relief from a lot of what was said."
Ayman, London/ UK
"Wir haben den Film während unseres Seminars „Festung für die Einen –
Offenes Haus für die Anderen. Legale und illegale Migration sowie
Migrationspolitiken in Europa" vom 09.-13.11.2009 in Bonn vorgeführt. Die
Reportage hatte unsere Erwartungen vollkommen erfüllt und übertroffen. Der
Film zeigt auf beeindruckende Weise mit Hilfe von aussagekräftigen
Bildern, wie die Migration nach Europa für Millionen von Menschen
alltäglich geworden ist und wie sich die Vorstellungen, Wahrnehmungen,
Wünsche und Ziele vor, während und nach der Migrationsphase von
potentiellen, legalen und illegalen Migranten verändern.
Migration wird
nicht als etwas abnormales und gefährliches dargestellt, wie es viele
andere Medien in der Zeit der Abschottungspolitiken Europas durchführen.
Vielmehr wird die Migration, oder besser der homo migrants, durch eine
realitätsnahe Darstellung aussagekräftig und ohne Überhöhung,
Verschleierung oder Pompösität beschrieben. Dadurch wird erkennbar, dass
nicht von einem uniformen „Eldorado Europas" gesprochen werden kann.
Letztlich fördert der Film selbst durch seine Produktion den
interkulturellen Austausch und Lerneffekt zwischen den Akteuren, da diese
sich gegenseitig Fragen stellen und beantworten können. Eine rundum
gelungene Reportage zum lachen, träumen und nachdenken!"
Inka Lange, Bonn/Germany
"This work differs in being highly original, in being very accessable, in
breaking down walls between people, in making people aware of the other,
in making people aware of their own situation and in being inspiring."
Leo Dijkman, Rotterdam/ NL