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ZiM Debate #10

[ Monday, 27 February 2006 ]

the end of tolerance

Start: 19.30
Begin Debate: 20.00
Address: Zwaanshals 317 / corner Woelwijkstraat / Oude Noorden in Rotterdam
Directions: tram 8 (direction Oostplein) or 4 (direction Molenlaan) from Centraal Station exit Bergweg/hoek Gerald Scholtenstraat

Speakers: Robbert Woltering (Phd researcher at ISIM/Leiden), Hassan Amouch (historicus)
Moderation: Mohamed Boukiour / Stichting Tawiza

When the Dutch minister of integration Rita Verdonk suggested that only Dutch should be spoken in the public an uproar went through the country. This proposal fits perfectly into the current policy of enforcing cultural assimilation as a solution to social problems. There is less and less space for non-western languages and cultures. Where will this attitude of anti-tolerance lead to in the end? Is this tendency a legitimate even if harsh reaction to the shortcomings of old multi-culturalism? Or is it an attempt to impose the dominance of one national ideology regardless of the human rights of cultural and lingustic minorities?