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ZiM Debate #11

[ Monday, 24 April 2006 ]

the realm of moroccan (berber) women

Start: 19.30
Begin Debate: 20.00
lokatie: Zwaanshals 474/ Oude Noorden in Rotterdam
Directions: tram 8 (direction Oostplein) or 4 (direction Molenlaan) from Centraal Station exit Bergweg/hoek Gerald Scholtenstraat

Speakers: Ikram Chiddi (Marokkaanse Vrouwen Vereiniging Nederland), Fadma Bouchataoui (COS Rijnmond en Midden Holland, NISM - netwerk internationale samenwerking Marokko, migrantenvoorlichtster bij de GGD) Moderation: Mohamed Boukiour / Stichting Tawiza

Migration is not alone movement in space, from one country to another, but also a movement in culture. Without doubt migration leads to cultural confrontations. In the past 40 years it was the Maroccan women with a Berber background who had to fight the most for their role and position in the Western world. The gap between cultures was the most visible with those women. How are they dealing with their migration? How do they deal with Western society How do they look back to where they are coming from How independant are Maroccan women today in the Nederlands? How much freedom does she have and is she allowed to have? What are their dreams and fears?