ZiM Debate #14
ZiM Debate #14
[ Monday, 29 May 2006 ]
Start: 19.30
Begin Debate: 20.00
Location: Zwaanshals 474/ Oude Noorden in Rotterdam
Directions: tram 8 (direction Oostplein) or 4 (direction Molenlaan) from Centraal Station exit Bergweg/hoek Gerald Scholtenstraat
Speakers: Farid Ait Lahcen (SMDN, Stem Marokkaanse Democraten Nederland), Theo Eikenbroek (bestuurder bij verschillende maatschappelijke instellingen en oud-voorzitter van de deelgemeente Noord),
aangevraagd zijn >Achmed Aynan (schrijver, theatermaker en kunstenaar), dhr. Ameziane (voorzitter MCV Bades)
Moderation: Mohamed Boukiour / Stichting Tawiza
Since 9/11 fear is reigning the West. The fear of the former Soviet Union has made place for the green danger: the Islam. This fear, which has been dozing for quite a while, seems to have turned overnight into reality. Loyalty from migrants with a Muslim background towards their new home no longer seems self-evident and the gap between them and the natives is steadily growing. This phenomenon is for sure to be found since the second golf war, which is still going. When Pim Fortuyn was murdered, the media turned their attention towards the Muslim community - without reason. When soon after the murderer of Theo van Gogh finally turned out to be a Muslim, islamic schools where the first target.
In the meantime there is a stronger hope for democratic developments also inside many islamic countries. But it is still necessary that inhabitants there overcome their fear towards their own governments and stand up for their rights and democratic freedom. This is the only chance to stop terroristic developments over there.
There is also another fear: Migrants coming from a dictatorial country still fear the long arm of their secret services reaching out for them in their new homes. This fear is still present as. e.g. the Amicales, a under-department of the Moroccan secret service, which causes a lot of distrust amongst the Moroccan community in the West.
What is the status quo of this culture of fear? Is the gap still growing or is there a reversed movement? How do Muslim migrants deal with this fear against them? Is there a correlation between the fear of migrants and the new Western 'Angstkultur'? Has this fear changed our understanding of freedom, democracy and equality?